mit Paul Wilbur
Come, Let Us Go Up - Hear Now - The Lord Is My Shepherd - It Is Good - Blessed Is The Man - Sing Hallelujah - Say To The Daughter Of Zion - How I Praise You - You Are Worthy, You Alone - O Yeshua - I Want To Worship You - O Give Thanks
CHF 10.00
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The Day Of The Lord - He Shall Reign - Praise Is Waiting You - Baruch Ha Ba - Sing Hallelujah To The Lord / Let Us Adore - A Resting Place - Give Thanks To The Lord - Arise O Lord - Awake O Zion - Shalom Jersualem - Holy Holy Holy
CHF 15.00
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Maranatha Singers, Israels Hope, Lamb
Come Let Us Go Up - Go Out With Joy / I Will Sing - To Dwell In Unity - Baruch Ha Ba (Blessed Is He) - El Shaddai - He Shall Reign - Holy Place - Give Thanks To The Lord - We Choose The Fear Of The Lord - It Is Good - Banay Y'rushalayim (It Is He) - Cornerstone (I Lay In Zion) - O Give Thanks - The Celebration Song - The Year Of Jubilee - Baruch Hashem Adonai - Shalom Jerusalem - The Lord Blee Thee
CHF 10.00
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Baruch Ata Adonai - All Israel Shall Be Saved - Let The Children Of Zion Be Glad - Come To Me - Blessed Is The Man - Blessed Be The Lord My Rock - Amos 9:13-15 - We Come To You - Isaiah 53 - O Yeshua - Yes And Amen - Zionstone - Behold, Bless The Lord - We Give You Thanks
CHF 10.00
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René Bloch of Israel's Hope
Psalm 98 - Song of the Spirit - Lament for Yeshua - Blest is the Man - David's Dance - The Peacemaker - Give Thanks to the Lord - Winds of the Spirit
All Woodwinds : Rene Bloch
Bass : Bob Bush
Drums : Mike Eastham
Piano & Keyboards : Robb Lasko
Percussions : Tony Kory
All Songs written by Rene Bloch
CHF 10.00
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weitere Alben vom Lead-Sänger Paul Wilbur siehe unter
"Paul Wilbur"